Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Se Couche

Coucher= to go to bed
Je me couche               Je ne me couche pas
I go to sleep
I did go to sleep
I put myself to sleep
I went to sleep
I am going to sleep

Je me suis couché   je ne me suis pas couche
I have gone to sleep
I haven't gone to sleep
I did go to sleep
I didn't go to sleep
I did put myself to sleep

Tu te couches               Tu ne te couches pas
You go to sleep
You aren't going to sleep
You put yourslef to sleep
You arent pitting yourself to sleep
You are going to sleep
You arent going to sleep
Tu te est couché     Tu ne te est pas couché
You have gone to sleep
You have not gone to sleep
You did go to sleep
You didnt go to sleep
You were going to bed

Il se couche                Il ne se chouche pas
He goes to bed
He doesn't go to bed
He does go to bed
He isn't going to bed
He is going to bed

Il se est couche         Il ne se est pas couché
He went to bed
He didn't go to bed
He did go to bed
He hasn't gone to bed
He has gone to bed

Nous nous couchons      Nous ne nous couchons pas
We go to sleep
We don't go to sleep
We do go to sleep
We havent gone to sleep
We are going to sleep

Nous nous sommes couché nous ne nous sommes couches
We have gone to sleep
We havent gone to sleep
We did go to  sleep
We didn't go to sleep
We were going to sleep

Vous vous couchez Vous ne vous couchez pas
You go to sleep
You don't sleep
You do go to sleep
You aren't going to sleep
You are going to sleeo

Vous vous ete couche Vous ne vous ete pas couche
You did go to sleep
You havent sleep
You went to sleep
You weren't going to sleep
You were going to sleep

Ils se couchent  Ils ne se couchent pas
They sleep
They don't sleep
They are sleeping
They aren't sleeping
They do sleep

Ils se ont couche        Ils ne se ont pas couche
They were sleeping
They weren't sleeping
They sleep
they haven't slept
They have slept